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Meet "Shay"

This is a full body picture of Shay standing up.

Talks with Shay began with a passion to help and empower women who may be dealing with different types of insecurities within themselves.  So, I begin to pray and ask God how can I reach more ladies in this world to help empower and uplift them.  The first thought He gave me was start a YouTube channel.  I thought wow, that would be pretty cool.  I continued to pray and asked my Pastor what were his thoughts about it.  After we prayed together about it for a few weeks, he said we (he and his wife) think you should go for it, tears filled my eyes.  The following week I did my first video.  It seemed like after that something shifted for this new ministry for me. 


After years of battling with low self-esteem, being rejected, abandoned, teased, mocked and thought of as someone that will never make it or have anything good, pushed me to want to help other ladies who may be battling the same things.  After doing jail ministry for over 5 years and so many ladies reaching out to me once they are released made me feel like I wanted to do so much more.  I had to figure out another way to reach more ladies!! Life hasn't always been smooth for me but the cards that I have been dealt has given me a drive and a passion for women!  So, I am thankful for every person that spoke against me because you have truly blessed me more than you have hurt me.  Forever thankful Shay!!   

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